What's new

New additions, improvements and updates for our PRO dashboard


PRO Dashboard - Gatsby RSS setup

We've added a small template on how to add RSS feed to your Gatsby setup with data coming from a headless CMS.


PRO Dashboard - HTML updates

We've added HTML RSS feeds and Favicon setups to the dashboard.


PRO Dashboard - Gatsby - Prismic & Contentful setups

After we added setups for Next.js last week, now it's time to do the same for Gatsby as well.


PRO Dashboard - Structured Data restructure

Since we have generators open to everyone, we've decided to concentrate on those when creating components for structured data. Pro dashboard members can now use those to copy the code for their schema markups.


PRO Dashboard - Next.js Headless CMS - Prismic/Contentful SEO setup

Get the SEO setup for your headless CMS website. Starting with Prismic and Contentful setups setup, we'd be adding more in the future. Let us know if your headless CMS is not on the list.


PRO Dashboard - Next.js RSS feeds setup

You can now copy/paste the code for setting up RSS, Atom and JSON feeds for your website - no mater if you are managing content in markdown files locally or in a Headless CMS


Organization Schema markup generator


Structured Data Generators

We are happy to launch Structured Data Generators. We are starting with FAQ Page schemas but we'd be adding more in the near future. Supports both HTML and React.


HTML support

We are soft-launching support for generic HTML templates. This will allow users to use our PRO dashboard even if we don't support their language/framework with relative ease.

To start with, we added the HTML SEO component. Content for Structured Data, favicon setup and sitemap coming soon.